Research Group

I am fortunate to have a great group of talented and motivated students that work with me. Please get in touch if you have any internship/job opportunities for them! Dr. Mitchell was the recipient of the 2019 New Mexico EPSCoR Mentor Award.

Research Assistant Positions available

There are several open research positions in our group. Please get in touch if you are interested in working in the exciting areas of data compression, machine learning, information theory, quantum codes and post-quantum cryptography!

Current Students and Post-Docs

  • Mohsen Moradi, post-doctoral research scholar, 2023-present. Project: "Polar codes for distributed data compression." [Linkedin page]
  • Salman Habib, post-doctoral research scholar, 2023-present. Project: "Reinforcement learning for LDPC and GLDPC decoders." Publications [J21, C51]. [Linkedin page]
  • Masoumeh Alinia, post-doctoral research scholar, 2022-present. Project: "Nested LDPC codes and belief propagation guided decimation for lossy source compression." [Linkedin page]
  • Andrew Cummins, Ph.D. student. Project: “Decoders for high rate braided convolutional codes”. Publications [C58, P16,P13]. [Linkedin page]
  • Behrooz Mosallaei, MSEE student. Project: "Wireless technologies in the smart grid."
  • [Linkedin page]
  • Yousif Yosif, Undergraduate student. Project: “Reinforcement Learning for Lossy Source Coding with LDGM Codes”.
  • [Linkedin page]

Previous Group Members

  • Yanfang (Vivian) Liu, post-doctoral research associate, 2019-2021. Project: “Coding for 5G and beyond”. Publications [B1,IP1,J22,J18,J13,C55,C47,P14,P11]. Vivian is now a Senior ECC Designer at Innogrit Corporation, working on error correcting code implementation for SSD storage systems. [Linkedin page]
    • In her post-doctoral work, she published several important theoretical papers related to generalized LDPC codes, showing their suitability for URLLC in 5G communications for the first time, as well as multiple hardware implementation papers for LDPC decoders for communications and biomedical applications.

  • Ahmad Golmohammadi, Ph.D. 2021. Project: “Spatially Coupled Codes for Source Compression”. Publications [J23,J12,C46,C38,C35,P15,P12,P10,P9,P8]. Now Senior Engineer at SK Hynix Inc., working on advanced error correcting code schemes. Previously Senior Engineer at Bose. [Linkedin page]
    • In his doctoral research, he showed several fundamental results related to spatially coupled codes for source compression, including that they have distortion performance very close to the rate-distortion (RD) limit as well as showing notable performance improvement compared to existing state-of-the-art joint source-channel coding schemes based on LDPC codes with comparable latency and complexity constraints (both published in the IEEE Transactions on Communications). Ahmad also received funding from NSF to participate in an industry project related to LDPC codes.

  • Homayoon Hatami, Ph.D., 2019, University of Notre Dame, IN. Project: “An Absorbing Set Analysis of Quantized LDPC Decoders”. Publications [J16,J15,C45,C34,C41,P4,P6,P7]. Now Senior Modem System Engineer at Samsung. [Linkedin page]

  • Xaviar Enriquez, M.Sc. 2018, New Mexico State University. Project: “Raptor Coding for Computer Networks”. Publications [CXX]. Now Software Design Engineer at Torch Technologies. [Linkedin page]

  • Matthew Grimes, M.Sc. 2018, New Mexico State University. Project: “Improving the Performance of Nested LDPC Codes by Removing Problematic Graphical Structures”. Publications [C42]. Now Project Engineer at Zia Engineering & Environmental Consultants, LLC. [Linkedin page]

  • Lai Wei, Ph.D. 2014, University of Notre Dame. Project: “Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes and Cooperative Communication”. Publications [J9,J6,C27,C26,C25,P3]. Now Staff Engineer at Qualcomm, Inc., CO. [Linkedin page]

  • Hua Zhou, Ph.D., 2013, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. Project: “Analysis and Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Convolutional Codes”. Publications [J3, C16, C18]. Now faculty at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China. [Linkedin page]


David G. M. Mitchell received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, in 2009. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Mexico State University, USA. He previously held Visiting Assistant Professor and Post-Doctoral Research Associate positions in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, USA. His research interests are in the area of digital communications, with emphasis on error control coding and information theory. Dr. Mitchell has published over 40 peer-reviewed IEEE journal and conference articles gathering more than 1400 citations. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2022, the National Science Foundation's most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty, and the 2019 NMSU Early Career Award for Exceptional Achievements in Creative Scholarly Activity. He has received two best paper awards and is the recipient of the 2019 New Mexico EPSCoR Mentor Award. Dr. Mitchell serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

During Summer 2004, Dr. Mitchell was an undergraduate research fellow in the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh supported by the William and Isabella Dick Bequest. From September 2007 to January 2008, he was a visiting researcher in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA, supported by the John Moyes Lessells Scholarship from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. From 2010 through 2013, Dr. Mitchell held Visiting Researcher/Adjunct Faculty positions in the Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics at San Diego State University, CA, USA, at the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems, Technical University of Dresden, Germany, and at the Communication Theory Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

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